Tuesday, November 27, 2012

An Advent eBook for You & Your Family

Thanksgiving has come and gone and we were bombarded with many, many ads informing us of deals that we don't want to miss on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. I was so dizzy from the whirlwind of this holiday season that I accidentally called Black Friday... Good Friday. Boy do I have my holiday's mixed up. Yeesh!

With our shopping lists, to do lists, holiday parties, gift giving, and gift getting it's easy for us to get lost in all the things that fill our calendars from Thanksgiving to after New Years. At New Life Fellowship one of our 5 Distinctives is Monastic. Which means we intentionally slow down to be with God. During the Christmas season this is exceptionally hard. So as adults we try to take some time to stop and think and contemplate this holiday season, to help us remember why we celebrate Christmas in the first place. But what about our kids. How can we help them remember in the way they learn, with fun and interactive experiences.

Well, last year I discovered Truth in The Tinsel: An Advent Experience for Little Hands and loved it. Filled with the Christmas story as told in scripture and fun little crafts to do with your whole family. Kids will also get to display they creations they made because each activity is an ornament for your tree or wall or anything you decide to hang these on.

My family and I decided to make a tradition of it so we plan on doing it each year. Starting December 1st. This helps us (adults) as well as our daughter stop, slow down and think about the story that brought us our Savior Jesus. All of this in the midst of the one of the busiest times of year.

So if you are a New Lifer or just passing by from another church or another part of the country I invite you to join me! Join thousands of families who've decided to intentionally stop, slowdown an celebrate Jesus this Christmas.

If you don't mind being crafty you can purchase the eBook Truth in the Tinsel on its own for only $7.99!

Not that crafty? Truth in the Tinsel Ornaments is for you!

You can use Truth in the Tinsel Ornaments alongside the eBook on days you’re too busy to do a big craft, for toddlers, while you’re at Grandma’s or if you just want to save a little money on supplies! It's only $3.99. Don't forget it doesn't work on it's own the content is in the eBook the Ornaments book is to be used with the Truth in the Tinsel eBook.

Se Habla Español!

Do you know someone who would like to use this eBook in Spanish? The eBook is available in Spanish this year La Verdad en el Oropel. Also avaiable for $7.99 and can be used with the Truth in the Tinsel Ornaments book.

So to summarize...

Truth in the Tinsel: An Advent Experience for Little Hands $7.99 

Truth in the Tinsel Ornaments book (Printable) to be used with the above eBook $3.99

La Verdad en el Oropel: Una Experiencia de Advento para Pequeñas Manos- Can be used with Truth in the Tinsel Ornaments Book $7.99

You can purchase all three eBooks HERE!

Do you plan on using this eBook this Christmas? If so, let me know by leaving a comment below. I'd love to know who's doing Truth in the Tinsel with me!

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