Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Announcement: New Year... New Endeavors

So, there's a reason why I haven't blogged since October.... It's probably not a great reason but a reason nonetheless. :)  Things have been pretty busy for us with the holidays, parties, KARIS!  But that's not all.  There have been a lot of transitions happening for me.  As well as some big decisions that took a lot of courage for me to make.  But I did it, I took a leap of faith and am trusting in the Lord to complete the work he had begun in my heart one summer, a long time ago, at a VBS in Brooklyn, NY.

So, with that said... It's official! As of January 1st, 2011 I am the New Life Kids Director at New Life Fellowship!  I'm so excited to be joining a staff that truly desires to partner with families to reach the next generation.  And am even more excited to work with an amazing group of volunteers that love the children of New Life Fellowship.

Love this pic from our 1-3rd Grade Environment

So, as I move forward in the position God has placed me I ask of and covet your prayers.  And a "you can do it!" on my FB wall once in a while! ;)

Thanks!  Let's go!!! :)
Check out my bio here! (Scroll all the way down)

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